Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chaos and Early Mornings

Okay, don't get freaked out by the title just yet. It'll make sense soon, I promise.

Let's see.. where did I end my last post? Oh yes, I was telling you all about how I'm getting involved with the University. I told you I'm involved with Ladies Football, right? Well, this Wednesday was the enormous sporting social event, Cougar Chaos. The night started out with all of the campus sports (Football, Rugby, Skating, Sailing, Netball, etc etc.) met up at the Space Bar. This is a bar located directly on the University's campus. Yes, there is a bar located on the University campus. I think it is safe to say that this would never happen in Michigan. Anyway, the theme for the event was "New Recruits" so it was required that everyone come decked out in his or her army garb. There were hundreds of students packed in this bar, each with paint smeared on his/her face, a water gun, or some other camouflage or otherwise army-looking clothing. It was a riot! In a good way of course. It was so great to interact and mingle with other Kingston students and also other student athletes. We all came together, despite our different tastes in athletics, to celebrate (read: party) a new and competitive semester. I was certainly feeling some Cougar pride. Afterwards, we all slowly made our way to Oceana, one of the local clubs in Kingston. It was almost overwhelming to see all the army-clad students dancing, shouting, and generally just enjoying themselves on the crowded dance floor. Cougar Chaos was an amazing event, which brought Kingston athletes together to take pride in not only each students' athletic ability, but to pride each other on being Cougars! I find this event fascinating because it differs greatly from my home university in Michigan. At Central, students will often celebrate when the university's football team (American football that is) has a home game. Students come adorned in Central's Maroon and Gold and flash poms and ribbons into the air. However, I can't recall an event that really celebrated each athletic group and just general pride for being part of one's chosen university. I just love spotting these similarities and differences in University customs. 

Thursday and Friday were quite ordinary. There's really nothing to say there. Except that it rained most of Friday evening, and I was unfortunate enough to have left my umbrella at home. 

A beautiful morning at Stonehenge
Today, however, I had the unique opportunity to visit Stonehenge and Bath as part of my British Life and Culture class! There was only one catch to the whole thing - our coach departed at 8:30 this morning. Luckily I consider myself a morning person! After the hour bus ride, my class arrived at Stonehenge in the wee hours of the morning. Well, actually, it was around 10am. The site was beautiful though. We were all blessed with sunny weather and the sun was certainly shining! My friends and I walked around the structure and took a million photos each. As our instructor told us, "it's not going to be just a screen saver anymore!" After viewing the stones we stopped for a quick snack. I got a chocolate brownie, but became instantly jealous of my friend's rock cake, which is basically a biscuit flavored like a oatmeal raisin cookie. Yum! 

A great view of Stonehenge

The Roman Baths
After Stonehenge, my class had another hour bus ride to Bath (pronounced Baaaath). Bath was an incredibly charming city. I especially loved the number of talented street performers in the Square and in the shopping area. We went on a brief tour of Bath and saw a lot of old buildings in the same color stone. It really was interesting. I mostly enjoyed the pillars and carvings on most all of the architecture. Also, windows had been filled in many years ago to prevent taxation. After our tour, we arrived at the Roman Baths. Most of the site was underground and a bit crowded, so I busied myself through that museum a bit quickly. I still saw some great sites of the ancient baths. After the Roman Baths, my friends and I decided to use our free time to get a cone of real italian ice cream and sit in the square watching street performers. It was amazing. The ice cream had to be the best I've ever had, and the performers were incredibly talented. Overall, it was a magnificent, if not slightly tiring, day. And, after our two and a half hour bus trip home, I'm ready to pop in a movie and call it a night. But not before I say that I love chaos and early mornings (that is, I love Cougar chaos and early mornings in a beautiful England). Good Night!

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