Thank you for taking the time to read my
blog. I know every blogger says that, but it’s truly heartfelt. Without
readers, blogging would be too discouraging.
Okay, so now that you are reading my blog,
you may be curious who’s posting all of this stuff. Well, it’s me of course!
Just an ordinary girl with big dreams and an even bigger imagination. I’m a
senior at Central Michigan University and hopefully I will be graduating very
soon. After graduation, I inspire to become a publisher or an editor. Like I
said, big dreams. In the meantime though, I’m doing what I can to live and to
learn. That’s why I’m in England. This blog is all about the things I’ve
experienced during my stay in this beautiful country. As a student, much of
what I write will be concerned with the academics of my trip, but there will be
plenty of social experiences as well. So, read on if you’re interested in
visiting England, if you already have been here, or if you are considering
study abroad at all. I know I’d considered studying in England since I was
eleven years old. I would have loved to read a personal diary of someone’s
experience similar to this one. I hope you enjoy! If not, then go watch TV or
P.S. Make sure to check out the CMU StudyAbroad blog site. There is a list of students who are blogging or have blogged
about their trips across the world. Experience the world through their eyes.
I love hearing from people! If you want to
contact me, please do so via kalee.lynn.stegehuis[at]gmail[dot]com.
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