Thursday, December 20, 2012

Home is where the hand is... and the family

Meeting my sister at the airport
I arrived home in Michigan two days ago now. My flight home was actually very smooth. Besides the monotony and physical pains of sitting in an airplane for nine hours, I had no problems with my flight. 
When I arrived in the O'Hare Airport, I went through passport control and customs in a breeze, it took no time at all and I was in the lobby with my family. My brother Jason, my mom, and my twin sister Kristi had all driven the long drive from Grand Rapids to Chicago to be there for me. I was SO happy to see them all. I even shed a little tear.


My family was so thoughtful! They packed a cold Mountain Dew for me to drink once we got to the car and they took me to Jimmy Johns to get a sandwich. I'd been craving both for months!!! 
That night when I got home I was exhausted! I went to bed near to midnight at Michigan time, but it was almost 5 am England time. I woke up the next day around 7am and started feeling sleepy at 8pm that night too. Today was worse. This jetlag is really getting to me! Good thing I have a few days off before I go back to work. I would not want to be falling asleep in the concession stand! 

Yesterday, my first full day home, my family did our Secret Santa gifting. The entire family came over for a large meal and gifts. I got to hand out my souvenirs to everyone as well, which I was really excited about! It was so wonderful seeing my whole family again. My mom and dad, Jason, Jen, Paige, Jaydin, Raylan, Sarah, Kyle, Curtis, David, Jenni, and Kristi were all there! Going from having a house nearly to myself to my Michigan home was a lovely shock. There hasn't been a quiet moment since I arrived home, and I have to say I really missed that. 

Today, I got to babysit my two nephews for a while, and then my niece and two younger siblings came home from school. I loved spending the day with all of the kids. I really, really missed them. I was afraid my youngest nephew would have forgotten who I was since he was so young when I left, so I'm glad to have had nearly a full day with him and the rest of the munchkins. I just can't say how much I love being home! 

I loved coming home to my siblings' sign!
There's a lot that I miss from England, and I will never want to stop talking about my experience there. One of the first things people ask me is if I ever want to go back, and, without hesitations, I say YES!

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