Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Walk in the Park

Today I found (with the help of my good friend Kelsey) the most beautiful park. Just away from the busy shopping centre, I made my way to the other side of the Thames River and to Canbury Gardens. It was an enormous park and with today's stunning weather, the place was picture perfect. As I was walking along the bank of the Thames, I did a little bit of people watching. Since it was such a sunny day, families and couples took the opportunity to have picnics in the park, a young man spread out near the bank for an afternoon nap, and children were prancing around the grounds playing tag and football. I am already planning a trip back.

A walk along the Thames
Then, tonight I saw Anna Karenina with my friends. Since I've worked at a Cinema for over 4 years I felt so compelled to go and see what the cinema was like here. This cinema was HUGE! Other than being a larger facility than the ones I've worked in, it was basically the same. Until I got to the concession stand. I always compare concession stands when going to new theatres after having worked in one for so long. I like to just catch the differences in product, price, and even the people they have to deal with. Now, I went out on a Saturday night and at my home theatre, the concession line would have been very long, but here it seemed only a handful of people were getting concessions. It seemed it a bit strange to me, but it did give me a chance to glance over what they offered for concessions. Besides the typical popcorn and soda, there was an enormous collection of candy. I think I'm really going to like the cinema here!

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